Creating SMS Incentives Customers Can’t Refuse
We live in an age of free content, making mobile marketing incentives all the more essential in terms of brand loyalty. Limited-time offers, location-based discounts, text coupons—all are well-tested strategies regarding opt-in incentives. So what exactly makes an incentive appealing to customers? And what about combining mobile marketing incentives with other marketing strategies and creating a fantastic campaign? Let’s review:
The Basics of Mobile SEO
When thinking about mobile search and SEO optimization, the most important thing to remember is that mobile visitors are able to find what they’re looking for in a way that best fits their device.
Mobile and PCs are very different.
Mobile Marketing: 4 Important Trends & Tips
The phrase “I need more ‘Me’ time” is one that resonates with most people, and for good reason. Luckily, the last few years have seen mobile industry advances that put “Me time” at millions of user fingertips. According to Arbitron Mobile, each user spends about 864 minutes of “Me Time” on their mobile devices each month.
The Rise of Cross Platform Audiences
The web is witnessing a dramatic shift in the way people use it to shop and browse -and mobile devices are the primary cause. All evidence points to an increasing diverse approach to internet activity, with desktop and mobile constantly vying for the attention of users who may also be engaged in other media, such as computer games and television. For advertisers, this shift presents some intriguing possibilities.
Why Your Mobile Strategy Needs Precise Market Research
Conducting good research is important for any kind of campaign. It allows you to learn about your target audience, know what products and services are most popular and how best to reach your audience and when. By gathering data and statistics, marketers can focus their efforts where results are sure to pay dividends.
Easy Text Marketing Tactics
With the new year in full swing, you’ve probably already strategized your marketing plan for the coming year. But have you developed a separate program for mobile platforms? If not, it’s time to make your brand more visible to the rapidly expanding smartphone market. Bear in mind some of the following tips when developing your text marketing strategy…
Optimize for Mobile
Using Email as Part of Your Mobile Strategy
In the beginning--the beginning of the Internet, that is--marketers were limited in how they reached their audiences. One option was the tacky pop-up ads that peppered Web 1.0, while the other was blanket emails sent to pretty much any existing email address.
Optimizing Content for Mobile
Three words: Keep...It...Simple.
Marketing Calls-to-Action that Work
Effective marketing campaigns contain a number of key elements. One of the most important is a clear, concise Call-to-Action (CTA) – but it’s not necessarily obvious how to achieve this. When crafting a CTA, be sure to do the following:
Describe the Incentive
SMS Mobile Marketing a Big Hit in China
China houses some 500 million smartphone users, which unsurprisingly has dramatically changed how Chinese consumers purchase products. Their commercial economy responded to this change using assorted mobile marketing strategies similar to those created in the U.S. and Europe. Now the question is whether such tactics will work as effectively in China as they do in the western world, or if fine-tuning is required.