Not All Auto Dialers are Created Equal
Mobile is Changing How We Shop
Easy Simplicity in Cloud Call Outreach
Consumers Expect More in 2013
Automation for Success
APIs Explained in Brief
We at CallFire are known for our accessibility, user-friendliness, and efficiency-spiking platforms that help businesses make the best of their lead generation and cultivation departments. However, sometimes it can be easy to get lost among the acronyms and tech-speak.
Bring Your Phone System to the Cloud
It sounds scary: the cloud. Shlepping all your operations to this mysterious cloud sounds like a heavy task. In fact, at CallFire we speak to hundreds of prospective customers every month who tell us why they are not sure the cloud is a good fit for them.
No need to worry, moving to the cloud is really easy. Based on some of the frequently asked inquiries that we regularly get, here are the top reasons that hosted VoIP services are a perfect fit for any business.
1. Savings, savings, savings!
Text Marketing Your Gym and Fitness Services
Getting people to join your gym is about changing their behavior. It’s about getting people who would rather sit on the couch, or stay at work late, to add another priority to their daily routine: exercise. Motivation alone isn’t always enough to change that behavior, it usually requires a little social innovation.
The talking economy: How voice-enabled purchasing can change buying habits
Pandodaily had a great article on how voice enabled apps can change purchasing habits of consumers. Adding voice and SMS features can add another level of interaction in a new application. With companies like CallFire allowing developers to use their API's, it has become easier and easier to include voice and SMS into an applicaiton.
Here's the full trancsript of the article:
Top Mobile Technology Trends for 2013
Here some interesting ways that mobile will grow in 2013:
1. Mobile Payments