Mobile marketing is darn-near tailor-made for real estate, with most agents glued to their smartphones and many home buyers using mobile devices to house-hunt. Let’s look at five reasons why mobile and real estate work so well together:
1. QR Codes
Mobile is easily integrated into print marketing via QR Codes. Whether using flyers, postcards or another print option, adding QR Codes that link to mobile microsites with listing information is ideal for ensuring print efforts are worth it. At the very least, the code will likely be scanned before the postcard is tossed in a recycling bin. Inform potential buyers that scanning the code provides access to exclusive information about a listing, such as a video tour of the home, link to free eBooks, and coupons. Placing QR Codes on for sale signs is another highly-effective way to create further engagement opportunities.2. Sharable Info
Home buyers often travel in packs (i.e. families and couples). Creating listing information that’s easy to find and easy to share is incredibly helpful, as couples can find and share information any time of day. Make blog posts and online listings shareable via social media, and don’t forget to include your contact information.3. Trust and Credibility
Another reason mobile is a perfect resource for real estate? It contributes to buyer trust and helps establish credibility. Text, voice broadcasts, social media apps...using these tools spreads, shares and validates your message, as all the information leads need is a click away. And communicating on such a personal device lends a sincere feeling of friendly connection. Providing important home buying information through mobile builds trust and reminds leads that you’re always only a friendly phone call away when they’re ready.4. Blog Content
As previously mentioned, a blog is a helpful tool for leads, so ensure yours is quality and is streamlined for mobile devices. Encourage clients and leads to use your blog for listing updates, information about community events and happenings, video tours, and more. Write blogs about neighborhoods you’re promoting and what’s special about them, such as an excellent school system, great parks, fun community festivals, nearby attractions, etc.5. Social Media
A killer social media page, such as a Facebook fan page, is also a way to engage leads. As with blogs, use social media to post about new listings, community events, and anything else that’s relevant and encourages leads to work with you. Mobile users spend a large portion of their time on social media apps, so engaging via social networks is crucial.
Mobile and real estate: truly a match made in marketing heaven. Now go get mobile and sell some homes!