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Thursday, April 2, 2015
By jpollack

Getting the attention of leads and buyers can appear challenging in today’s real estate market, as consumers are continually bombarded by advertisements. As such, the consumer appetite for clever taglines and messages has waned, and what people really want is engaging, digestible, useful content. That’s why it’s important to strategize rather than fill blog post after blog post with mundane, redundant facts and other uninteresting bits of information. With that in mind, let’s look at a few pertinent questions to ask yourself before you start writing your next post:

1) What is My Ultimate Goal?

The first question is what you expect to accomplish with your real estate content. Generally speaking, you’ll want to build trust and a lasting rapport with clients, as well as strategic partnerships. It’s also necessary to provide solutions to client problems, attract new prospects, and create a solid reputation using SEO. If unsure what to do about the latter, consider hiring a reputable SEO company to navigate those waters. It’ll also save you time, which you can use to focus on content and otherwise maintaining relationships with leads.

2) What Type of Content Do I Want to Publish?

Content that revolves around buyer tips, seller strategies and neighborhood necessities, such as nearby schools, parks and assorted attractions, are all great examples of the type of content you’ll want to publish. Such content can include information on lead generation and management, sales techniques, and marketing tips, but it’s good to go beyond the typical blog post. Think guides and tutorials, infographics, video posts, and even eBooks. For example, a free eBook featuring guides to various neighborhoods is a way to attract new leads and maintain relationships with existing ones.

3) What Resources Do I Require?

This depends not only on the type of content you want to produce (i.e. equipment for video posts, etc.), but also on the size of your company. Are you a solo agent? Manager of a large agency? Whatever the company size, it’s essential to have at least one person on the team capable of writing a coherent sentence. After all, a huge part of success in the real estate business is presentation. Skilled graphic designers are therefore also helpful when it comes to making your content pop.

4) How Will I Measure My Efforts?

Find a viable way of tracking your efforts so you know what’s resulting in conversions and what isn’t. Google Analytics is a great tool for this, as you can compare numbers by week, month and year, and plan content accordingly. After all, what’s the point of writing content if you don’t know how it’s helping your business? Tracking success rate allows you to fine-tune content and get rid of what’s not working for you.

5) How Do I Get Started?

There’s a wealth of information out there designed to help you churn out amazing real estate content. The aforementioned infographics and eBooks are two great places to start in terms of helpful tips and advice, or check out free template options.

Use these questions to create highly-digestible content. Good luck!