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The basic element of CallFire XML — the “building block,” if you will — is what is known as the “tag.” The tag is a reference to a specific action — play something, go somewhere, transfer a call, get back a keypress, hangup — that can be accomplished within the script.

Tags can have various attributes, some optional, some required. Examples of optional attributes are “name” in most tags (except for tags, below), or “timeout” in <menu> tags. Examples of required tags are “type” in a <play> tag — this defines what kind of sound to play.

Tags use the “name” attribute to give the name to the mp3 file being created. For example,


would create the sound file myRecording.mp3.

The “content” or “value” of a tag is what specifically it does. Sometimes, this is a specific action (play a sound file), and sometimes it is to run a bunch of other tags, as with a <menu> tag or a <goto> tag.

Here is a list of the CallFire XML tags. Click on a tag name to see its detail page.