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Thursday, May 15, 2014
By jpollack

In today’s hi-tech, fast-moving society, where information and purchases are simply a few clicks away, shoppers are often turned off from the traditional brick-and-mortar experience. Many consumers are opting to bypass the long lines and dizzying array of merchandise for the quick and easy option of online purchasing. And now more than ever, mobile has taken over as a leading channel for online retail sales.

The mobile marketing platforms available for businesses in the new marketplace allow for a plethora of consumer engagement opportunities. And per recent research, mobile marketing strategies and social campaigns are directly impacting buyers’ purchasing decisions. Modern consumers report that they are more likely to make purchases based on what their friends are buying and that they are inclined to search for product information and reviews online before making a purchase.

The following are some compelling statistics regarding recent consumer behavior, as revealed by CMS Wire:

  • 68% of smartphone users shop for holiday gifts via mobile web sites.
  • 59% of consumers are more apt to buy from retailers that allow for purchases via mobile sites.
  • 56% search for store locations on their mobile devices.
  • 54% check and compare prices via mobile.
  • 47% gather information on products using their mobile phone or tablet.
  • 81% report that social networks and friend posts influence their purchases.
  • 30% of frequent online shoppers use Pinterest to find products.
  • 78% say that posts made by companies influence their purchases.

Reviewing the numbers, there’s no arguing that both social and mobile marketing platforms have a major impact on consumer behavior. An intelligent mobile marketing strategy accounts for this type of research. Large and small businesses alike must consider who is buying their products and how exactly they’re making purchases.

Keeping aligned with emerging mobile technology will remain imperative for budding brands. Augment mobile marketing strategies by employing outreach campaigns via social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Post engaging content and attractive photos regarding new products on a Facebook fan page and incentivize customers to share. Tweeting about special promotions, discounts, and events can be extremely effective. And because an increasing amount of consumers explore Pinterest for new products, businesses would benefit from starting a board that offers free samples of their product and/or directions on how best to purchase.

Massively growing mobile device usage affords abundant opportunities to create original mobile marketing campaigns for definitive customer engagement. Attain your revenue targets and grow your fan base by staying at the forefront of emerging technology. Think mobile. Think social.