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Thursday, April 2, 2015
By jpollack

As voters in a democracy, we want to know that the best candidate in a political election will win, not just the best-funded one. Campaign managers have the extremely challenging task of deciding how exactly to relay the qualities of their candidate to the public in order to earn their votes and not break the campaign bank. With rapid developments in technology, political communication strategies are expanding—so how do new politicians and seasoned incumbents keep up in a competitive and thus increasingly expensive political marketing space?

In recent years, many political campaigners have turned to voice broadcast—a time-saving, far-reaching, and cost-efficient political canvassing tool, with each call literally costing mere pennies. With Voice Broadcast, targeted campaign robo calls to constituent groups are easily programmed, and reports and metrics can then be used to make the best possible canvassing decisions. Thanks to voice broadcast, the election landscape has become fairer, giving under-funded but highly qualified candidates a far better chance at winning and therefore making a difference to those they serve.

Political Voice Broadcast: An Affordable, Simple, and Effective Strategy

Campaigns at every level, nationwide, have found tremendous success in employing voice broadcast messages. Politicians can pre-record a concise, engaging message and send to a massive amount of constituents using an auto dialer system. Messages can be set to call at the most convenient hours for voters, and might even employ “Press-1-Now” campaigns for constituents to get more information, to join the cause, or to donate. Each call typically costs only pennies, well within even a smaller, regional campaign budget. From basic interaction with the public to gaining both financial and voter support, Voice Broadcast has proven to be an extremely cost-efficient and effective political campaign strategy.

Personalized Voice Messages Address Local Concerns

With so much access to both national and local information, citizens today are realizing just how greatly local election ballot issues affect every aspect of their lives, from property taxes to neighborhood crime rates to the quality of schools. Voice broadcasts allow politicians to speak about local issues, directly addressing the very people these matters affect in an intimate and personal way. Personalized voice broadcasts, particularly ones that utilize the candidate's own voice, are less likely to be ignored, especially when the matter is near and dear to constituents’ hearts.

Helping to Gain Trust in Politicians

Many voters are often suspicious of politicians. To win an individual’s vote, candidates need to make voters feel comfortable, with a message that insists constituents’ families and communities are of the greatest priority. While a particular politician may indeed carry this message, it won’t do much good unless it reaches voters—and that becomes a matter of funding. Political television ads and radio ads are extremely expensive, as are the printing and distribution costs associated with direct mail campaigns. The fact that voice broadcast messages can be created and sent out at such a small fraction of the cost, and that these messages can speak directly to the people in personal messages direct from candidates, means that our democracy might indeed start getting a sense of the most qualified and sincere candidates…not just the wealthiest.