Busy signals, bad numbers, dropped calls – these are some of the ways conventional call centers continue to cost companies more than half of their weekly productivity. Businesses know they cannot afford the amount of money that is lost when a project that should be finished in just a few hours takes several days. This is why not-for-profits, small businesses, and high-stakes investment firms alike turn to cloud based call centers to save time, and, in turn, money.
How Cloud Based Call Centers Save TimeMulti-line automated power dialers greatly increase the number of calls made, eliminating the need for hand dialing. This cloud based call solution leaves agents' hands free while automatically dialing an uploaded call list. When agents encounter bad numbers or busy signals, the powerdialer moves to the next number automatically.
Agents may also use features allowing them to skip answering machines or leave prerecorded voice messages. Businesses lose an enormous amount of money and time on outdated call lists, but having a cloud based call center means not having to waste time on bad telephone numbers. Auto dial features allow agents to dedicate their time to live call recipients instead of numbers that lead nowhere.
Case Studies: The Maine People's Alliance and ABC Home and Commercial Services
Several recent case studies illustrate just how much money businesses save when they switch from conventional call centers to cloud based solutions. Two companies, the Maine People's Alliance and the family-owned-and-operated ABC Home and Commercial Services, have saved an enormous amount of time and money since switching to cloud based call centers.
Using a multi-line auto power dialer easily tripled the number of calls agents could make. The Maine People's Alliance, the state's largest community action organization, handles tens of thousands of calls each year on a not-for-profit budget, so cloud based calling has made all the difference in its productivity. ABC Home and Commercial Services, a small business employing only 10-12 agents, was thrilled to triple their productivity as they completed an astonishing 80,000-plus phone calls. At just pennies per minute, the cost of a cloud based multi-line auto dialer has offered an incredible return on investment to ABC Home and Commercial Services, especially when compared to what it would have cost the small business to pay its one dozen employees for three times as much work, only to lose two thirds of that time to dialing and reaching busy signals, answering machines, and error messages.
Case Study: Archon Bay Capital
Cloud based call solutions aren't just for not-for-profits and small businesses. Archon Bay Capital, a South Carolina-based firm specializing in distressed investing, has a trading environment that is fast-paced, competitive, and volatile, with an enormous amount of money always at stake. The cloud call center's multi-line auto dialer has allowed agents to keep up with high investment supply and demand while staying a step ahead of those competing for the same client base. The voice broadcast feature allows agents to contact hundreds of customers in minutes with time-sensitive announcements.
According to the company's founder, Kris Reining, these cloud based solutions give the firm 36% more face time with customers in direct rep communications. Each agent makes 40 additional sales calls per day now, accomplishing in six hours what used to take four days.
Wasted time equals wasted money for big and small companies alike. Businesses today see cloud based call solutions as a way to save on both.