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Thursday, May 7, 2015
By jpollack

When you’re considering how you want to roll out your next mobile marketing campaign, consider incorporating MMS into your strategy. MMS (or Multimedia Messaging Service) is like the bigger, stronger cousin of SMS text messaging: MMS allows you to send texts with different media, namely striking images.

Ideally, your mobile marketing campaign should use MMS to enhance your existing marketing moves. While SMS has its advantages for short and quick communication, MMS allows you to take the customer experience a little deeper. There are several ways to use MMS as part of your strategy:

1) Offer a prize for responders of your MMS.

Many mobile marketing strategies already utilize contests to get the most out of these customer interactions. MMS adds some allure: you can show a photo of what consumers will win, which will certainly encourage people to respond, or an image that simply inspires responses.

2) Offer coupons and discounts via MMS.

Restaurants love to utilize this technique in their strategies. It’s easy to show an image of a tasty appetizer within the MMS text, offering a discount for patrons who respond or show the coupon during dinner. The key is to provide a call to action as well as a specific date when the offer is valid – this ensures that the customer will take the initiative and come in for a bite. And the picture of the mouthwatering Ahi Poke in your MMS text won’t hurt either.

3) Put up a vote via MMS.

When you give your customers the opportunity to vote, you are bound to get a lot of responses. By using MMS, you can include images of the goods or services consumers might vote for and further solidify their brand awareness in the process. Create keywords for customers to respond with, and reward those who decided to vote with an attractive offer.

4) Keep customers updated through MMS.

One of the best advantages of MMS, aside from image incorporation, is the expanded amount of text you can use. You see, in an MMS text message, you are not limited to 140 characters as you would be with a typical SMS text. This allows you to include more content with each text. Share about product improvements, upcoming events, or just photos of your staff working hard. When customers subscribe to your list, they want to know about your company and to stay connected with your brand. With MMS you can augment engagement over and above a regular text.

Your MMS marketing strategy should revolve around consumers who are looking for an enhanced customer experience. When you send an MMS message to consumers, you have the opportunity to impress them with a beautiful image and a more in-depth message than an SMS text – don’t miss out on this opportunity. Take a good look at your own mobile marketing strategy: think of how an MMS strategy could grow your client lists and increase your customers’ brand loyalty.