When setting up a Voice Broadcast recording for your incoming or outgoing calls, it is crucial to prepare a flawless script. While Voice Broadcasting can produce some pretty terrific results – increasing your ROI and customer awareness – it can also have disastrous results if you are not careful. Here are three easy steps that you can employ to write a Voice Broadcast that works for your business:
1. Consider who is on the other end of the line.
This takes time and research, and perhaps a little A/B testing. Determine the demographics of your prospects, along with their knowledge about your company, products, and services. Think about how potential customers might react to certain types of information, and the approach you can take to establish a trusting business relationship with these customers. Most of all, avoid putting anything into your script that might scare customers off.2. After who, also consider where and when.
Considering to whom you are speaking is paramount, but the other details about your call recipient can help you to establish that trustworthy bond (and not scare callers away). Look first at the timing. Voice Broadcast calls are typically received between 5pm and 8pm, so open with an appropriate salutation: “Good evening!” If your business is on Eastern Standard Time, and you are calling people in Seattle, adjust your message accordingly. A good rule of thumb is to wait until after 2 pm to call the West Coast from New England, and remember to say “Good Morning” if the call will take place before noon. This makes your message more relevant to the audience, even though it may be a recorded one.3. Finally, look at why you are calling and how to please your customers.
The potential customers you are calling are all busy people, and they don’t necessarily want to hear about your company or your products. So, make it as easy as possible for them to understand what your business is all about. Get right to it – present your product(s) in a sentence under ten words. The more you can pique their genuine interest, the more you can establish trust throughout your Voice Broadcast. Another good way to garner interest is by offering a discount or a freebie in return for signing up with your company. It’s a win-win: the customer gets a prize while sharing some of their personal info with you.
There are several other elements to think about when you begin recording your Voice Broadcasting script. Think again about the demographics of the area you are calling. Are the people politically moderate, or do they tend to have more polarizing views? Are your listeners familiar with new technology, or are they more conservative when it comes to tech? How’s the weather? What about the economy?
All of these questions add up to a series of customer expectations. Use these details to construct a flawless message. Remember, you want your inimitable allure to draw them in, so make sure to eliminate from your script any phrases that might scare them away. When you think you have a good draft for your Voice Broadcast, read it aloud to several trusted colleagues and get their feedback. By taking the time to consider the details about your Voice Broadcasting calls – who, what, where, when, why, and how – then hopefully you will have prepared a dazzlingly relevant script for your potential customers.