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Friday, March 24, 2017
By ndenholm

There are lots of ways to make sure all the members of your hiking club are kept informed of the latest news, hikes and get togethers. Via email, your website, social media and text message, it’s easier than ever to keep groups up to date.

If you haven’t added a text program to your communication toolbox, here are five ways it can help your hiking club.

Last Minute Updates
Because most people have their phone’s with them all day, text messaging is a great way to alert your club members about any last minute changes to your hiking schedule. Whether it’s traffic issues, poor weather, or a change of meeting place, a simple group text will reach your group in seconds. They can also send a reply to confirm they’ve got the news, so you can be confident that everyone’s informed.


Upcoming Hikes
Let club members know what hikes and events you have planned via text too. Texts are easy to share, so people can send them on to friends and family they think might be interested in joining the group - it’s an easy way to widen the reach of your hiking club. While over 90% of Americans own a mobile, not everyone has a social media profile, so texts can be a more reliable way to spread the word.


Hike Planning
When you’re planning a hike it’s really vital to get an accurate head count so you can get organized, especially when you’re carpooling or if you have to arrange food. Texting can help improve your RSVPs, as it’s such a quick and convenient way for people to get back to you. Ask your club members to reply to let you know whether or not they’re joining you so you can organize more efficiently.

Timely Reminders
Reduce the number of no-shows for your hikes by jogging everyone’s memory a day or two ahead of time. A quick text makes for a quick and easy reminder, and gives your club members a way to get back to you at the last minute if for any reason they can no longer make it.

Where to Hike Next? Ask Your Club Members
One of the major advantages of setting up a text program is that it makes it just as easy for recipients to get in touch with you as it does for you to get in contact with them. Get your club members involved by asking them where they’d like to hike next. If you have a few trails in mind, you could send out a simple text poll to get feedback on the most popular routes. You can also use your text program to gauge interest in future events like orienteering courses or mountaineering talks.