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Tuesday, January 23, 2024
By ndenholm

Are your customers happy with your business and products? Are they satisfied with your product offerings? Are there improvements that will make them happier? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, you may need to conduct a customer survey. 

Knowing your customer’s needs and how well you are serving them is one of the most important components of a successful, growing business. Conducting a survey can help you stay focused on the emotional pulse of your customers so you can continue to please them as they shift their thoughts and perceptions over time. Conducting surveys will also show your customers you care about their needs.

Surveys can be a waste of time, however, if you don’t know how to conduct them the right way. Here are some important tips to follow if you want to get the most out of your survey campaigns.

1. Focus on One Topic

You will get more participation if you focus on one topic at a time. For example, if you run a music café and you are looking for feedback on your menu, talent, and hours, focus on just the menu first. This will give you ample room to get detailed enough so that you can receive enough valuable, specific feedback.

2. Keep it Short and Sweet

If you bore your customers with long surveys, they may get sidetracked or tired and abandon them before the end. To create a more concise survey, write down your top objectives first. What decisions do you want to make as a result of the data you receive from the survey results?

For example, if you want to get menu feedback for your restaurant, think about the main reasons why you want to do the survey. Do you want to add new items? Remove some low-sellers? Re-focus on a different type of food? Your survey questions will depend on your answers to specific objective questions like these. Dig deep and get clear on exactly what you want to accomplish with the survey and fashion your questions around only those specific objectives.

3. Offer an Incentive

Not every person in your phone book will want to invest their valuable time to listen to and respond to your survey. 

To increase participation, offer an incentive. Your incentive can be a free gift, prize to one winner, special discount, or something that would be valuable to your customers that relates to the survey content.

4. Use Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Voice surveys are highly effective because they are easy for participants to respond to when you use a technology like interactive voice response. Interactive voice response, or IVR, is a technology that allows you to set up surveys and polls where customers interact using a simple key press on their phones. This easy-to-use technology creates a seamless survey experience for participants, increasing the number of responses and feedback.

After participants take the survey, you can track the results and export the data. Your voice broadcast solution provider should provide you with an interactive voice response option and also offer an easy way to create the surveys on their platform.

If you want to learn how CallFire’s interactive voice response technology can help you create and launch feedback-driven surveys with ease, try us out with a free account here.
