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Tuesday, January 23, 2024
By ndenholm

How would you like to save time while also reaching more customers in the process? Doing this successfully would fulfill two major business goals simultaneously—becoming more efficient and increasing revenue. 

The sad reality is that executing this takes time—and lots of it. So to help you with this, we have compiled a few smart marketing strategies that will not only help you reclaim your precious time but also attract more customers to your brand. It’s a 2-for-1 deal.

Repurpose Your Content

If your business involves blogging or churning out content on a weekly or daily basis, instead of creating new content, consider repurposing it. 

Repurposing allows you to take your existing content and reuse it in different formats. Need to create a free content piece in exchange for an email address? Instead of starting from scratch, take your top-performing blog posts on a topic and compile them into a mini e-book. Running a webinar to increase sales? Gather content from past videos or blog posts that relate to your topic and compile it into an educational presentation. 

Aside from saving time and money, repurposing your content is also a great way to reintroduce some of your best content to new potential followers and keep your brand top of mind. In this way, you will attract new customers to your business.

Automate It

Are you still posting on individual social media websites? Are you making appointments manually? Are you calling all of your customers one-by-one? If you answered yes to any of these questions, or you are still running manual tasks for your business, you can save time by automating them. There are so many tools on the market that you can find a time-saving tool to automate just about anything. A couple of notable tools are:

  • Hootsuite – post to all of your social media platforms, engage with followers, reply to comments and review analytics, all from one easy-to-use interface.

  • – Select free time slots with one click and integrate the tool with all of your calendars. Using is as easy as setting your availability in your calendar. Your client chooses the best time, and the tool automatically adds it to your calendar and sends invites, leaving you to focus on more important business-building tasks like attracting more customers.

Voice Broadcasting

One of the best examples of automation and time-saving tools done right is voice broadcasting. Voice broadcasting is an easy and cost-effective way to launch promotional campaigns by sending custom messages to all of your customers at once—and within seconds. Use voice broadcasting to send promotions and updates or any important notifications to customers. Voice broadcast messages also provide a more personal touch to your communications and allow your customers to feel more connected to your brand.

Dave Shaheen, a luxury shoe retail manager, used CallFire’s voice broadcasting solution to boost sales during his promotions. In one promotion, Shaheen credits voice broadcasting as being responsible for 90% of his sales. Shaheen sent voice broadcast messages to his clients and offered a service where they could either be connected to the in-store shoe department to reserve shoes or be removed from the VIP list. This added service led to more in-store transactions and saved Shaheen time by automating the calls. As Sheehan continued to use voice broadcasting, his store locations experienced the highest growth sales percentages, surpassing 33 other stores nationwide, including Beverly Hills.

If you would like to get started with voice broadcasting, the process is simple. Sign up for a free account here and we will be happy to help you save time and engage more customers with voice broadcast calls. CallFire is a long-time voice broadcasting provider, and for years, we have been working with companies like yours to help them save time, reach more customers, and increase their profits. Getting started is just a quick form away.