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Friday, July 20, 2018
By abaugh
CallFire’s CEO, Michel Veys joined the CallFire team in Austin, TX for a few days! Michel got a chance to experience the day to day lives of the sales team and check out our Texas office space.

As part of the visit, Austin employees had the chance to participate in Coffee with Michel. This is a part of our CallFire company culture where employees get a chance to meet with the CEO and employees outside of their workgroup. This was the first time our Austin employees were able to participate in Coffee with Michel and share any questions or concerns they have, and for Michel to get to know everyone in an informal setting.

In addition, our busy sales team was also able share their live conversations they are having daily with our customers with our equally busy CEO. We are growing and changing quickly and it was a great opportunity to share what CallFire’s sales team is up to!

Michel finished his visit to Texas with Dinner with CRO, Luke Wilson, and employees that made the move from our New Jersey office to the Austin Office. One of our Sales Representatives, Kristina Reyes said, “We had a great time getting to visit with Michel outside of the office at our team dinner!” CRO Luke Wilson said, “It was great to have Michel in the Austin office for a few days! We are excited to have him back out in the future!”