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The CallFire White Label Service allow White Label customers programmatically to manage their users and automate typical user administration tasks.




Creates a user.


Parameter nameRequiredDescription
keyYString keyAPI Key for the account.
userObjectYcomplex typeSee below.

UserObject attributes

firstNameYany textFirst name of the user
lastNameYany textLast name of the user
phoneYany textphone number of the user.
extYany textextension of the user. Can pass in empty strings.
emailYany textEmail of the user, will also serve as their login.
chargePerMinYdoubleAny positive double value.
companyNameYany textName of the user's organization.
passwordYany textpassword for the user's login
incrementYdoubleBilling increment of the user, must be a positive value
defaultThresholdYdoubleThe default CPM that every campaign created by the user will be assigned.
accountBalanceYdoubleStarting credit to give the customer


txnCodeY200 (Success), 400 (Bad Request), or 500 (Internal Error)n/a
txnMessageY<userid>,<userapikey>Returns the user id as well as the user's API key seperated by a comma

Sample Java Code

public static void main(String[] args) 
	String apikey ="YOUR_KEY";
	WhiteLabelService_Service service = new WhiteLabelService_Service();
	WhiteLabelService httpPortType = service.getWhiteLabelServiceHttpPort();
	UserObject object = new UserObject();
	populateValues( object );
	ResponseMessage response = httpPortType.createUsers( apikey, object  );
	System.out.println( response.getTxnMessage().getValue().toString() );
	ResponseMessage response1 = httpPortType.addAccountBalance( apikey,object );
	System.out.println( response1.getTxnMessage().getValue().toString() );

private static void populateValues(UserObject object) 
	ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory();
	object.setFirstname( of.createUserObjectFirstname( "JJ") );
	object.setLastname( of.createUserObjectLastname( "Abrams") );
	object.setAccountBalance( of.createUserObjectAccountBalance("5"));
	object.setChargePerMin( of.createUserObjectChargePerMin( ".035") );
	object.setCompanyname( of.createUserObjectCompanyname("EezLand"));
	object.setDefaultTreshold( of.createUserObjectDefaultTreshold( "50") );
	object.setEmail( of.createUserObjectEmail( "") );
	object.setExt( of.createUserObjectExt( "213") );
	object.setIncrement( of.createUserObjectIncrement( "60" ) );
	object.setPassword( of.createUserObjectPassword( "temp" ) );
	object.setPhone( of.createUserObjectPhone( "2135556678" ) );
	object.setUserid( of.createUserObjectUserid( "1443") ); // needed only for addAccountBalance operation

Sample Response

Credit added successfully