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Thursday, March 26, 2015
By jpollack

Most modern businesses have by now caught on to the power of social media as a marketing tool. Some have begun augmenting their web campaign with mobile SMS marketing. To have a really successful campaign, the key is to link each marketing channels in a way that serves their mutual advantage. The web has a huge potential reach, while a good text contact list offers targeted opportunities to engage with customers on a more personal level.

The first step towards achieving perfect marketing synergy is to grow your mobile SMS lists. In order to do this, you need to use a variety of web-based and mobile marketing strategies. Mix and match these tips and watch your SMS list expand:

  1. Offer freebies. They really work. Always have, always will. There’s simply no better way to announce your brand as a market leader than to offer a free unit. Make it available to anyone who opts into your SMS contact list and you will soon have them signing up in droves. Be sure to emphasize the incentive when promoting free offers. People are more likely to opt in to your list if they clearly understand the benefits of doing so.

  2. Landing pages must be visually arresting, sharply designed with an uncluttered layout. Keep the text concise and avoid flash or other fancy-looking, code-hogging features. People are far likelier to keep browsing your website if it's easy on the eye.

  3. Be imaginative. Bumper stickers, useful informational websites related to your product – anything you can attach the vital information to. Done right, QR codes are another great way to pique attention.

  4. Use print and online media in ways that complement each other. Try placing a bare advert in the local paper containing only your web address or your top ranking keyword. This tactic adds an air of mystery to your brand.

  5. Voting contests, surveys and polls, trivia quizzes - all of these easy-to-implement ideas are consistently popular with internet users. An engaging game will be shared much more readily than a straight-up advert, and it also creates a customer relationship that translates into opting in to a contact list.

  6. Referral bonuses are another compelling route. Offer coupons to people who share your promotion with others, and incentivize a specified number of referrals with an even better offer.