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Thursday, April 2, 2015
By jpollack

When developing a marketing strategy of any kind, it’s important to recognize that while all advertising mediums are in some ways similar, each comprises a unique set of advantages and limitations. With Mobile Marketing, companies aren’t limited to non-personal or broad-based communication streams. On the contrary, mobile is one of the most intimate ways of communicating with a customer base; and more importantly, a mobile marketing campaign is usually targeted to an existing customer base rather than to a completely new audience. Most marketers realize the true value in repeat business, which is often even more desirable than new business because there is already an established a relationship, and that means some trust has been built. There is nothing better for increasing product sales than developing consumer trust, and mobile marketing affords every company the ability to reach its loyal consumers through various techniques that help to build a trusting and valuable relationship.

Here are some of the key elements to consider when creating a mobile marketing campaign:

Optimize Content

Make sure your marketing message, whether it be via text messaging, voice broadcasting, or telesales, is quick and to the point! Make certain the customer knows exactly what you’re offering, why it’s valuable, and how he or she can obtain it if desired. The latter requires a clear call-to-action: What is the customer’s next step if he wants to proceed, where does he go, what does he do? The simpler and clearer your call-to-action, the better. And don’t forget to make the content entertaining and engaging! A consumer is spending his valuable time reading your message; make it worth his while by offering something of value in exchange for his participation. Content is king and always shall be!

Compel Participation

With the plethora of spam messages bombarding consumers’ lives and considering the FCC’s new rules regarding telephone marketing methods, all companies must maintain a robust opt-in program to gain consent from consumers before marketing to them. Using creative techniques and value-added offers to compel customers to join a marketing list will be imperative in the age of mobile communications. Just as important as developing great content, is creating effective programs to gain mass consent. Compliance with new laws is both necessary and ultimately better for marketers, as advertising efforts will be focused on customers who have expressed particular interest in receiving news and product offers from your company.

Cross-Channel Touch Points

Once a strong mobile marketing message and the appropriate medium have been established, it will be important to assure all marketing and advertising channels for your business integrate effectively. Text messages should have a link to your web site; print ads should contain a short code to your text marketing campaigns; mobile ads to should point your mobile site, which should offer a way to opt in to a marketing list. All points of consumer contact should in some way connect, with a consistent brand image and a funnel into some main marketing hub—typically your company’s web site, where consumers can purchase products and/or sign up for your marketing list. Keep the entire picture of your marketing strategy in mind when developing both mobile marketing and traditional advertising campaigns.