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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Trim the Fat from Your Ad Spend with Call Tracking

By ndenholm
Historically, one of the most elusive metrics for marketing departments is determining which ad dollars generate which results. Until relatively recently, the only way to figure out where business was coming from was to ask clients directly, and survey response rates are generally too low to get a true reflection of customer habits. It's like slinging mud at lots of different walls, and never being quite sure what's sticking because the lights are off.
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Using Mobile Marketing to Enhance Las Vegas Family Entertainment

By Gisselli R.

Cities like Las Vegas hold a stigma for “risque” behaviour but what is often forgotten is the family friendly entertainment that many casinos and resorts offer. With the myriad of venues and activities in an entertainment locale like Vegas, it is an equally difficult task of getting a crowd to a nightclub or getting them to a magic show. With a few cloud telephony strategies up your sleeve, you can keep a steady flow of families and adults attending your events in your city.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Cloud at a Glance

By Gisselli R.
A few years ago I was working at a loan company. I recall sitting impatiently and becoming frustrated as the hours dragged on. It wasn’t necessarily the pain of monotonous work but rather the inefficiency of the company. Excel sheet after sheet, dial after dial, and many dead ends did not feel like progress in any way. Had I known then, I would have tried to reassure myself that the cloud would be there to ease the way--the future of business.

For some years now, the cloud has been the craze, convincing big and small companies to make the shift.