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Wednesday, August 26, 2015
By jpollack

Once again, Pushbullet has broadened the capabilities of its useful app with the incorporation of SMS encryption. In the recent past, the app, which serves to link all data between personal devices, functioned by storing your data on the servers in plain text: a simple method, yet susceptible to cyber-attacks. The demand for security nowadays has caused many users to call for more protection from Pushbullet’s development team.

A Security Discussion on Reddit

The issue came to a head in a conversation on Reddit with one of the developers from Pushbullet. The Pushbullet method has always been to use ‘https’ to secure its connections, and this technique has been effective in the past. But some users of the app would like more protection, namely from the Pushbullet servers themselves. As these servers could hypothetically be affected by a cyber-attack, users are looking for more peace of mind regarding the data received by Pushbullet.

Well, concerned Pushbullet users can fret no more. The app now allows you to create a password for your data in the settings (AES-256, to be exact). The encryption is considered end-to-end, meaning your information remains encrypted from the time it leaves your device or computer to the time it arrives at the servers. Furthermore, the data will not be un-encrypted until it returns or is sent to another computer or device.

Other Features of the App

Consumers who have downloaded the Pushbullet app before know how useful it can be, and many recognize how much the development team has strived to compound on its utility. Notification Mirroring, launched in early 2014, allows a user to receive practically any type of notification on every single device and computer in use. Universal Copy and Paste allows users to copy-and-paste (per the tool) across all devices. These functions have had the app world buzzing and wondering what problems this nifty little app will solve next.

The security involved in the End-to-End Encryption is pretty exhaustive (especially for a simple app). Provided that the user sets up his devices for the feature, Pushbullet will only send encrypted data through its servers. Not one iota of your information can be examined by Pushbullet—or any hackers, for that matter—so you know that your data is safe until it is retrieved.

Moreover, when you choose a password for your devices, Pushbullet derives a key to encrypt your data. It is important to mention that while both the key and your encrypted information are sent over to Pushbullet’s servers, the company has no knowledge of the passwords that you created. Ergo, these servers will never be able to see your un-encrypted info; only YOU have the password to access your data.

There’s no doubt that the development team at Pushbullet will continue to impress consumers with its innovations. For now, users of the app can rest assured that their information will remain safe and secure—a peace of mind that’s now included when you download this free app.