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Thursday, March 5, 2015
By Anonymous (not verified)
As you have undoubtedly noticed by now, CallFire rolled out our brand new redesigned website earlier this month. Even with its streamlined processes and easier to use interface, we know there are users who may be frustrated having to learn how to do basic transactions on the new site that seemed so easy on the legacy one. So it’s with this in mind that we’ve taken 5 common tasks from our legacy site and will show how to perform them on the brand new page:
1. Registering for a webinar
Whereas that function used to be located under “Training” on the previous site, now you can access the webinar links by going to “Help” on the new website and scanning the middle of the page. The schedules for the various webinars available are listed there and upon finding the one you wish to sign up for, you would choose the “Register” link next to it and follow the prompts from there. If you want to view the pre-recorded webinars, you can click on the link located just to the right of the training section.
2. Adding funds
When you are logged into your account as an administrator on the new website, you will notice a link in the upper right hand corner that says “Billing”. Clicking on that link will take you to the Credit Usage History page, where you should see 3 links on the left side of the screen. The top one will say “Purchase” and hitting this link will get you to the part of the site where you can choose the payment increment you wish to add to your account via a drop down menu and then enter your payment information.
3. Porting numbers

Essentially, this process has remained very much the same on the new website as it was on the old one; just click on the “Numbers” link at the top of the page and that will take you to the Phone Numbers page where you will see a button called “Port Numbers” near the top. The next page after clicking on it will enable you to input your carrier, number and address information to complete the request.
4. Recording a message

This process is now set up somewhat differently on the new site; rather than calling a number to record a message, the number now calls you. From your dashboard, you need to click on “Settings” in the upper right hand corner. From there, you’ll see “Sounds” on the left hand side of that page. Select it by clicking and you should see a button labeled “New Sound” at the top of the screen. Clicking on that will produce a pop-up window with 3 options: Upload an Audio File, Record an Audio File and Text to Speech. Choosing the 2nd one will give you another pop-up where you will be prompted to enter your phone number. Within a minute, you’ll get a phone call where you can then record your message and save it on your account.
5. Deleting a campaign

Once again, this will look a bit different than what veteran users are accustomed to but the function is essentially the same. By clicking on the “Campaigns” button near the top of the screen, you’ll be taken to the All Campaigns page where each campaign created on the account will be listed. Next to the campaign name is a checkbox; clicking it will put in a check in that square and, instead of “Delete”, you will hit the “Archive” button. This will ask you to confirm the action since it cannot be undone. The selected campaign will then disappear from the list.
Despite the visual differences, hopefully these examples will illustrate that the changes made to the CallFire website were done with our users in mind and to make our service as easy to use as possible. CallFire's new interface allows users to buy local and toll free numbers, create robust IVRs, virtual receptionist applications, text marketing campaigns, and much more. Please call our support team at 877-897-FIRE or email us at to learn more.