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Thursday, April 2, 2015
By ndenholm

A 2012 report from the Aberdeen Group showed businesses with a cloud contact center at their disposal enjoyed 27% lower annual running costs than peers with no cloud call center. The reason is straightforward: call center software provides all the benefits of a traditional call center without the massive overheads created by premises and costly hardware.  


That, literally, is the bottom line. But there are a whole host of reasons why switching to the cloud will improve the day-to-day running of your business. Let’s take a look at five key ways a cloud contact center is the smart option:


It’s More Flexible

If you don’t have cloud computing, an internal network is the only available data storage option you have. Use cloud technology and you can still choose to store some or all of your data within a company network. It’s entirely adaptable to the specific needs of your business, and easily scalable at short notice should your growth exceed expectations. Remote agents are another boon, allowing businesses to sidestep the logistical nightmare of coordinating large teams of people in one location. Remember too that many of the world’s top agents will only work from home; start using cloud computing and those talented workers could be at your disposal.


It’s More Secure

Call center software allows you to store large volumes of essential data in a place that’s impervious to power cuts or hardware crashes. Cloud computing software uses first-rate security systems to ensure data is private, secure and reliably accessed at all times. With the cloud, you’ll never have to worry about losing data again.


Customers Prefer It

A company lives and dies by the quality of its customer service. A cloud contact center brings benefits to the customer experience that you can’t replicate in noisy, centralized call centers where hundreds of conversations may be happening in the same room. Remote agents usually work from home, which fosters a more positive experience for the customer. Plus, features like auto dialing and call tracking can further enhance the user experience, providing agents with key information that can help them do their job more efficiently.


It Boosts Productivity

Because you can reach more customers in a single day, your profits will increase. Features like real-time monitoring and call routing can substantially reduce time wasted by agents, and managers can easily monitor the productivity of their agents from the cloud, wherever they happen to be.


It’s Cheaper!

The ability to employ remote agents is a huge cost-cutting factor, as is the elimination of installing hardware and maintaining it over the years. Even the most state of the art system has to be updated every 24 months or so - a cloud call center faces no such hurdles because the software developer is responsible for repairs and updates.


Standard call centers are expensive, unwieldy and don’t meet the demands of customers or the most highly-skilled agents in the job market. Do your business a favor: get with the cloud computing revolution and watch your ROI increase.