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Saturday, June 27, 2015
By jpollack

Earlier this month, digital marketing and web technologies authority Regalix released an industry report focusing on mobile impact for business-to-business marketers. The international company headquartered in Paulo Alto, CA surveyed several B2B marketing companies from all over the world selling a variety of products and services.

In the face of growing attention, mobile marketing initiatives have become paramount with regards to the success of integrated campaigns. Regalix draws significant conclusions about the use of mobile in recent years, as well as foreshadows the significance it will play in the future. Below are statistical highlights from the report and perspective on growing trends in 2015.

In the last two years, the number of mobile phone users overtook desktop users—a key behavioral shift that will continue to increase as developing countries improve mobile infrastructure. With this information, marketers have set keen sight on mobile advertising, with as many as 67% of the organizations surveyed already utilizing mobile for campaign initiatives.

Despite the increase in mobile users, mobile marketing has been slow to gain momentum—whether from dissuaded executives or poor analytical tracking. As the technologies improve to better serve marketers, faith in mobile marketing seems to grow and become more widely accepted. More than 50% of the organizations surveyed say they invest in mobile marketing, and 64% percent of respondents believe investments made in mobile marketing will increase in the next 12 months.

Of course, B2B marketing presents its own unique set of challenges that differ from marketers dealing directly with consumers. However, many of the mobile marketing objectives outlined by the report offer several parallels—among them, a prioritization to increase brand awareness. 67% of organizations surveyed reported that driving brand awareness was critical in achieving mobile synergy within an integrated marketing campaign. This comes as no surprise—64% of respondents say the mobile campaigns are integrated with their other regular marketing programs.

Other important initiatives among B2B marketing include customer engagement (62%), sales and revenue (48%) and improved customer service (33%).

Mobile marketing also appears to be benefiting the end user as well. During the last two years, 82% of B2B marketers have reported an increase in customer satisfaction. In addition, 73% of the organizations reported extended user engagement.

Finally, 61% of B2B marketers feel the effort spent on mobile has been positive and so far successful. Several of these trends point towards an increase in mobile marketing, which was the overarching theme of this 2015 report.