Facebook announced its first one billion-user day in August this year and has since averaged even more daily active users. Whether marketers like it or not, statistics like these illustrate a shift in the fastest-growing demographic of consumers. In fact, millennials between the ages of 18 and 34 are set to take over the Baby Boomers (adults age 51 – 69) as the largest demographic in the U.S.
According to a PEW Research study, millennials have distinct consumer characteristics dissimilar to those of their predecessors. These characteristics include increased racial diversity and alternative family structures, to name a couple. More importantly, this demographic is far more technically savvy, making it easier to reach, provided that you know which tools work best.
The ‘Mobile First’ approach is one way of approaching this new demographic with a shift towards mobile awareness, not just mobile responsiveness. Here’s a closer look at how ‘Mobile First’ can help marketers reach this growing demographic in 2016:
What Is Mobile First?
Marketers tend to think of mobile as a two-dimensional space within the confines of the smartphone itself. However, a ‘mobile first’ approach is really about rethinking the entire paradigm of consumer marketing.
But how do you do that?
For starters, it’s not just about being accessible on the Internet; it’s about building various avenues that point a mobile user in the most efficient and relevant direction—whether from social media sites or a search engine browser. Making the path to products and services as seamless as possible helps mobile users search and find things they’re looking for without getting discouraged.
Moreover, many millennials are researching products on their mobile devices first before they visit store locations to make purchases. Making sure that the mobile-to-physical-store transition is well integrated helps consumers feel more confident about their purchases—which is ultimately what they want—especially since they now have the power to compare, review, and distinguish between a bargain and a bust.
Speaking of confidence, the ‘mobile first’ approach should also take into account the mobile user’s tendency to research and compare brands. Millennials are more likely than any other generation to ask friends and consult third-party review sites before making a purchase. If you’ve got the means to do so, you should enable all your customers to products and services. By doing this, you can both resolve any issues that may prevent repeat business, as well as use your existing customers to communicate with new ones.
The ‘mobile first’ generation is concerned with so much more than just apps and downloads; in fact, merchants must reinvent the entire process and trail-blaze new ways for customers to make the most of the time they spend on mobile—do this and you’ll be well on your way to a ‘mobile first’ marketing plan for 2016.
According to a PEW Research study, millennials have distinct consumer characteristics dissimilar to those of their predecessors. These characteristics include increased racial diversity and alternative family structures, to name a couple. More importantly, this demographic is far more technically savvy, making it easier to reach, provided that you know which tools work best.
The ‘Mobile First’ approach is one way of approaching this new demographic with a shift towards mobile awareness, not just mobile responsiveness. Here’s a closer look at how ‘Mobile First’ can help marketers reach this growing demographic in 2016:
What Is Mobile First?
Marketers tend to think of mobile as a two-dimensional space within the confines of the smartphone itself. However, a ‘mobile first’ approach is really about rethinking the entire paradigm of consumer marketing.
But how do you do that?
For starters, it’s not just about being accessible on the Internet; it’s about building various avenues that point a mobile user in the most efficient and relevant direction—whether from social media sites or a search engine browser. Making the path to products and services as seamless as possible helps mobile users search and find things they’re looking for without getting discouraged.
Moreover, many millennials are researching products on their mobile devices first before they visit store locations to make purchases. Making sure that the mobile-to-physical-store transition is well integrated helps consumers feel more confident about their purchases—which is ultimately what they want—especially since they now have the power to compare, review, and distinguish between a bargain and a bust.
Speaking of confidence, the ‘mobile first’ approach should also take into account the mobile user’s tendency to research and compare brands. Millennials are more likely than any other generation to ask friends and consult third-party review sites before making a purchase. If you’ve got the means to do so, you should enable all your customers to products and services. By doing this, you can both resolve any issues that may prevent repeat business, as well as use your existing customers to communicate with new ones.
The ‘mobile first’ generation is concerned with so much more than just apps and downloads; in fact, merchants must reinvent the entire process and trail-blaze new ways for customers to make the most of the time they spend on mobile—do this and you’ll be well on your way to a ‘mobile first’ marketing plan for 2016.