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Thursday, November 26, 2015
By jpollack

You might think that SMS, Short Message Service, is dwindling in the midst of free messaging apps. Just a handful of years ago, SMS texting was the most widely used data application. But smartphones have created a way for us to quickly message, often with groups, using a variety of platforms like iMessage and popular apps like WhatsApp. With all this, you might be surprised to learn that SMS is still one of the primary and most popular ways of communicating. In this post, we try to cover some of the reasons for that.

Low Costs and Data Plans

One of the biggest reasons SMS is still going strong is that it is available on almost every phone, and even free on some cellular plans. This is huge considering SMS texting does not rely on a data plan to function. iMessage and messaging apps are reliant on high speed internet, and believe it or not many people still do not have a data plan or smartphone.

Easy To Start Using

SMS texting is simple to use. If you use Messaging Apps, you have to rally everyone you know to download the same app. With SMS texting there is nothing else required. With almost no barriers in communication, messages can be received and sent quickly, which is great when time is of the essence. SMS makes everyone reachable, any time you need them.


Many websites and companies use SMS texting for personal authentication. A good example is Gmail. If you have a Gmail account, you know that Google will ask for a username and password, along with your phone number so that a code can be sent to you via text. Many companies do this when logging in to extremely private information. Banks will send an SMS as well if you try to get on to your account online. The cost to send SMS messages are very low, making it the ideal way to contact you for security verification.

SMS is King

The amount of time using SMS continues to grow, even with smartphone applications, instant messaging, and social media networks. It remains the most popular way to connect. In a recent report from IT World Canada, a graph of mobile service usage shows in detail that SMS is still king and doesn’t look like it will be dying out any time soon.