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Tuesday, May 23, 2017
By ndenholm

Marketing is stronger when all of your marketing channels are working together, supporting each other and cross promoting wherever possible. The flexibility of SMS marketing makes it easy to integrate with every marketing channel, particularly social media, email, print and blogging. How? Let's find out...

Social Media

The reason social media has created such a marketing buzz is that it provides a way to organically grow follower, subscribers and customers, making use of people’s personal networks to help brands flourish. It also allows companies to connect directly with customers or target markets like never before.

SMS shares many of these same social media advantages - with a personal feel, easy shareability, and mobile connectivity, anywhere, anytime. On top of this, recipients don’t yet tend to view text messages as marketing in the same way that market saturation has led consumers to view social media pop up ads as annoying and email marketing as spam.

Use your social media channels to push your SMS marketing, and encourage your mobile subscribers to share your text content with friends and family was they would social media posts.



Integrating your SMS marketing with any other marketing channel can pay off two fold. In the case of email, your SMS marketing campaigns can be used to increase your email subscribers, while email campaigns can be used to boost your mobile subscribers. A simple text asking your mobile fans to respond with their email address for exclusive offers and news via your mailing list can instantly step up subscriber numbers.

On the flip side, make sure your newsletters and email campaigns contain details of your mobile campaigns too. Include a shortcode and keyword for readers to text to sign up for exclusive mobile offers and services.



The immediacy of SMS is one of its greatest advantages. In the past, when consumers saw your print ads - in newspapers or on billboards, you’d just have to hope they remembered what they’d seen of your brand or details on the printed page. Now, when a print ad catches someone’s eye, wherever they are, they can simply reach into their pocket and Google you, look for your Facebook page - or, if you’ve integrated SMS and print, sent a text to you to find out more.

Including a shortcode and punchy, memorable keyword in your print ads is an easy way to get viewers to take instant action. Offering exclusive promotions for those who sign up for mobile contact gives people a reason to text.



Blogging allows you to stay more current and more connected than a traditional website. With the flexibility to change up your blog content whenever you want, you can use it to continually attract new clients and customers to grow your brand.

Including links to your latest Instagram or Twitter posts, as well as shortcodes for text subscribing and links to your website makes blogging a simple way to cross promote on a regular basis. And it’s easy to drive traffic to your blog via SMS too, with occasional texts to alert subscribers to your latest blog posts that might interest them.