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Friday, May 6, 2016

SMS Is a Key Ingredient in Good Customer Service

By jpollack

Text messaging has become much more than a highly convenient communication method. It is now an essential ingredient in a good customer service stew, as it provides both businesses and consumers with an effective means of communication that’s not nearly as invasive as phone calls. Considering some 91 percent of the world owns a cellphone, SMS messages will likely remain the favorite business-consumer communication option for a long time.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Where is CRM Headed in 2016?

By ndenholm

CRM technology has come a long way since the rudimentary statistical modeling of the 1980s. The first steps toward what we now think of as CRM software were essentially digital rolodexes, and each subsequent decade saw great strides being made by a burgeoning industry. Now, CRM software is capable of so much, one wonders where it can go next.