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Friday, June 3, 2016

Mobile Tech Is Aiding the Fight Against Leprosy

By jpollack

Leprosy is not a disease of old that’s no longer relevant; it’s become a “neglected disease,” like lymphatic filariasis and malaria. Healthcare nonprofit Lepra is doing something about this neglect via mobile technology. The organization performs services on the ground in Mozambique, India, and Bangladesh to aid those suffering from the aforementioned diseases.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Can Mobile Technology Really Transform Global Healthcare?

By jpollack

Is mobile technology the future of global healthcare? The Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) recently released its second report on mobile technology use in regard to humanitarian work with a focus on health. The AIDF Mobile for Development Report Part Two: Transforming Global Healthcare Through Mobile Technology is part of the forum’s AIDF Mobile for Development series.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Mobile Technology Is Enabling Kenyans to Access Healthcare

By jpollack

There’s an increase in the number of businesses now accepting mobile payment, sometimes called mobile money transfer, including grocery stores, gas stations, and fast food chains across the country.

Both Apple and Android have been busy getting their mobile wallet systems ready for what might eventually become a card-free, cash-free ecosystem at nearly every point of purchase across the U.S.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

UK Healthcare: Mobile Device Pilot Scheme Proves Successful in Nottingham

By jpollack

Today, communications in all industries rely heavily on mobile technology, which is why it’s almost hard to believe that it’s taken so long for hospitals to begin coordinating their healthcare communications via tech. However, a UK hospital is putting antiquated ways aside in favor for mobile, online communication of patients’ medicine needs, appointments, and other areas of treatment.

Friday, May 13, 2016

SMS Messaging Used to Reduce Pregnancy Risks in Energy Deprived Regions

By jpollack

Between 2006 and 2016, the number of U.S. households with solar panels increased from just 30,000 to more than one million. It’s a huge milestone for renewable energy efforts in the U.S. and a household trend that is expected to increase to almost four million homes by 2020.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Australian Study Shows Positive Heart Health Results from SMS Program

By jpollack

Technology has infiltrated nearly every area of our lives, include our healthcare, and that’s a good thing according to a recent study. An Australian study shows positive heart health results from an SMS program that sent four texts a month to heart patients.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Healthcare: Minimizing the Impact of No-Shows with SMS

By jpollack

No-shows. This consistent healthcare industry issue is increasingly alleviated through SMS. No-shows result in numerous problems for any healthcare provider, as they make scheduling a replacement within the necessary timeframe next to impossible. This ultimately results in lost revenue.

Mobile technology is eradicating this issue by sending appointment reminders via SMS. More and more healthcare providers are jumping on board the SMS train for this reason, with great results.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

How Mobile Tech Changed Healthcare Marketing

By jpollack

Increased tech savvy has allowed the general public to take greater control of their health, as related information and tips are now quite literally in the palms of their hands. More and more physicians and healthcare facilities are using mobile technology to manage patient health care, reminding them of appointments, sharing diet and fitness tips, and otherwise keeping patients engaged about their services.