What Do the Joint Commission's New Texting Guidelines Mean for the Healthcare Industry?
Almost two thirds of the people in the United States use smartphones, according to the Pew Research Center, which means that text messaging via these devices is a reliable method of communication. This is why the Joint Commission’s new texting guidelines are relevant in terms of mobile health (mHealth).
Mobile Tech Is Aiding the Fight Against Leprosy
Leprosy is not a disease of old that’s no longer relevant; it’s become a “neglected disease,” like lymphatic filariasis and malaria. Healthcare nonprofit Lepra is doing something about this neglect via mobile technology. The organization performs services on the ground in Mozambique, India, and Bangladesh to aid those suffering from the aforementioned diseases.
Can Mobile Technology Really Transform Global Healthcare?
Is mobile technology the future of global healthcare? The Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) recently released its second report on mobile technology use in regard to humanitarian work with a focus on health. The AIDF Mobile for Development Report Part Two: Transforming Global Healthcare Through Mobile Technology is part of the forum’s AIDF Mobile for Development series.
How Clinical Studies are Benefitting from Mobile Tech
Mobile technology is helping medical experts to improve and expand clinical studies, providing an unprecedented wealth of data for research.