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Tuesday, November 18, 2014
By ndenholm
Mobile Purchases Expected to Increase this Christmas
Mobile spending is expected to explode this Holiday Season, as more businesses latch on to the benefits of marketing specifically to tablets and smartphones. New data from Hipcricket shows 53% of shoppers plan to spend more money through their mobile device in 2013 than they did last year.
The survey also found that 59% of smartphone users had made at least one holiday purchase on their device already. More than ever before, mobile devices are expected to be a driver of sales for commerce and a research tool for shoppers. Other conclusion drawn from the study indicates:

·       41% of shoppers will spend between $1 and $99 via a mobile device this year
·       23% of shoppers will spend between $100 and $249 via a mobile device this year
·       83% of shoppers intend to research products on their mobile device
·       75% of shoppers read product reviews on a tablet or smartphone
So why is this groundswell of mobile use among consumers happening? Smartphone ownership has grown exponentially in recent years. Consumers like how easy it is to start and complete a transaction, and the added security of having an e-trail for every stage of the purchase is a bonus. Improvements in technology like geo fencing and in-store apps, has helped the mobile marketing industry experience a boom, and like most commercial upturns, the effects are felt more keenly over Christmas. The handheld device is clearly the future of consumer commerce, from the earliest stages of research and development, through product launches, up to the point of sale and beyond, to customer service feedback.

Mobile marketing is particularly appropriate for certain businesses, with books, music, video and concert tickets picking up the bulk of business generated online through mobile gadgets. Consumer electronics is also benefitting from the smartphone boom, as shoppers browse products in bricks and mortar stores, before looking around for a better deal on their device (a practice known as showrooming).

One thing is clear. Mobile outreach is the best way to engage directly with customers, at a personal level, before sending them to an easy-to-use payment platform. Consumers can check products against user reviews, company background – and anything else that might help them reach a purchasing decision. Climb on board with a text messaging service before the last Christmas rush, and you can start reaping the benefits of the growing trend towards mobile purchasing.