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Monday, September 29, 2014

Five Online Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

By ndenholm
There’s never been a better time for small businesses to market themselves, and it’s all thanks to the democratizing power of the internet. Anyone can develop an online presence at virtually no cost. Social media and blogging can be done for little more than the cost of a web connection and a big chunk of time.
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Is SMS Right for My Financial Services Business?

By jpollack

Economic turmoil in recent years, coupled with a plethora of industry competition, has made it increasingly difficult for small to mid-size financial services companies to compete in the global market space. Luckily, however, there have been a few glimmers of hope for these financial professionals.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Facebook Will Lead the Mobile Ad Pack This Year

By jpollack

You’ve seen it when you log onto your Facebook account: ads that seem to speak directly to you and your needs. They might even be from companies whose website you’ve recently visited or they contain content related to a recent online search. Magic? Not exactly, it's Facebook’s ad exchange program, or FBX, and it has reshaped marketing and social advertising.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mobile Purchases Expected to Increase this Christmas

By ndenholm
Mobile Purchases Expected to Increase this Christmas
Mobile spending is expected to explode this Holiday Season, as more businesses latch on to the benefits of marketing specifically to tablets and smartphones. New data from Hipcricket shows 53% of shoppers plan to spend more money through their mobile device in 2013 than they did last year.