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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Should Your Small Business Be Upselling?

By ndenholm

What if there were a selling strategy that had huge growth potential and did not require a lot of time and effort to implement? Well, there is, and it's called “upselling,” and as a small business, it can boost your earnings considerably and also help customers get more value from your brand. 

Not every business should upsell, however. You must have the right products to upsell and do it the right way to get value from it. Otherwise, you can damage the relationships you have with your customers and hurt your brand reputation.

What is upselling?


Thursday, August 30, 2012

CallFire Joins Global Effort to Raise Money for Greater Gender Equality in Education and Enhanced Literacy

By CallFire Blogger

Around the world, more than 60 million children of primary school age lack adequate access to education. Most will never learn to read or write. In particular, young girls receive less instruction, and what they do receive is often of lower quality.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

CallFire Announces Change to Number Dialing on Outbound SMS, Autodialer, and Voice Broadcast Services

By CallFire Blogger
You’ve requested it, now it’s here. When users upload a list of numbers to CallFire, the numbers will be dialed sequentially. To date, lists were dialed in the order they were uploaded, but in batches of twenty. Meaning that the first twenty numbers on a list would be grabbed, then numbers would be selected in random from that twenty to be dialed. We had requests from our users that numbers be dialed in the strict order they were uploaded in the list.