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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

How to Vote for Net Neutrality

By ndenholm

The fact that Barack Obama is the first president in more than half a century to win at least 51% in two campaigns illustrates just how tightly contested and immovable our party affiliations are. Diehard reds and blues are more evenly distributed across the nation than at any time since the late 19th century. America is turning purple.
Sunday, October 26, 2014

​Young People More Likely to Engage in Politics via Technology

By ndenholm
To note most people are attached “at the hand” to their mobile devices is nothing shocking or new. What is relatively new is how exactly younger people are choosing to use their devices, specifically with regards to politics.
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Power Dialing for the Greater Good

By julie

When you hear the term power dialing, the general thought that comes to mind is Telemarketing, which usually has a negative connotation in the general population. However the use of autodialing goes far beyond the marketing world. In fact, quite a few common uses help us in ways we rarely think of. Let’s look a few of those uses:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

CallFire Announces Change to Number Dialing on Outbound SMS, Autodialer, and Voice Broadcast Services

By CallFire Blogger
You’ve requested it, now it’s here. When users upload a list of numbers to CallFire, the numbers will be dialed sequentially. To date, lists were dialed in the order they were uploaded, but in batches of twenty. Meaning that the first twenty numbers on a list would be grabbed, then numbers would be selected in random from that twenty to be dialed. We had requests from our users that numbers be dialed in the strict order they were uploaded in the list.
Friday, August 31, 2012

How CallFire Voice Broadcast Helped Win a County Election

By CallFire Blogger

A few days ago, we got an interesting email from Thomas Kennedy, the newly elected Citrus County (FL) School Board  Member for District 1.  It read "CallFire got me elected!" It turns out that Kennedy's use of voice broadcasts helped his campaign  win by a landslide, in 60 out of 61 precincts in his county.

Why Voice Broadcast?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

CallFire helps Get Out the Vote in Santa Barbara

By CallFire Blogger
sbbanner The City of Santa Barbara holds city elections in November of odd years. This year, there were 3 council seats, a mayor's seat, and an important measure all up on the ballot. Measure B was the hot topic of this year's election, which would limit building hight limit in downtown Santa Barbara to a maximum of 40 feet.