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Monday, February 12, 2018

How to Integrate Your Marketing Outreach Strategy with CallFire's Product Suite

By djacobs

Technology has given us a wealth of tools to use when engaging prospects and customers, but which is best? And which should be used most often?

The answer is that you should integrate your marketing strategy; don’t think of outreach a process of using “either this solution or that one,” but rather one where all your tools are used in conjunction with each other.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

CallFire Helps the Community at Los Angeles’ Midnight Mission

By jterashima@cal…
At CallFire, we care deeply about our community and each other. As part of our ongoing commitment to giving back, employees at the Santa Monica office of CallFire volunteer on a monthly basis at The Midnight Mission.

For over 100 years, The Midnight Mission has served community members suffering from homelessness with services and a path back into mainstream society. With support from executive leadership, CallFire employees have committed to volunteering every month.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How to Score a Touchdown with CallFire’s Phone Messaging Solutions

By djacobs
The Super Bowl is coming up, and that means businesses of all types need to start gearing up to take advantage of the big game. Fans spent about $14 billion in 2017, so there is a tremendous opportunity to get in on the action. Bars and restaurants will enjoy huge profits, but everyone can use this unofficial holiday to get their customers’ attention and strengthen relationships with their brand.
Monday, January 22, 2024

6 Tips for Improving Communication with Your Employees

By ndenholm

Businesses typically invest a lot of time and effort into external profit-building initiatives such as marketing promotions and outreach, mainly because they are directly tied to creating revenue. While these ventures are valuable and essential to growth, focusing on internal company activities is just as vital to a company’s overall success. And one of these internal factors that contributes to growth is effective employee communication.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Improve Customer Loyalty with These 4 Strategies

By ndenholm

Loyal customers can be a goldmine for your business. And the more loyal they feel to your brand, the greater chance they will become brand ambassadors, sharing your brand with others—without costing you a dime in customer acquisition. 

If you want to create a band of loyal customers who spend more money on your products and act as another promotional arm for your company, read on.