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Thursday, June 23, 2016

B2B Marketers Flock to New Technologies

By jpollack

B2B marketers are realizing that their target audiences have long been left out of the growing CRM and automation market, and they’re ready to do something about that. These savvy marketing professionals are flocking to new technology tools, and aggressively exposing them to potential customers, in order to attract new clients who also think there’s a better way for businesses to transact with one another.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

B2B Mobile Marketing Priorities 2015

By jpollack

Earlier this month, digital marketing and web technologies authority Regalix released an industry report focusing on mobile impact for business-to-business marketers. The international company headquartered in Paulo Alto, CA surveyed several B2B marketing companies from all over the world selling a variety of products and services.