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Thursday, September 18, 2014
By jpollack

Just because your business is on the smaller side doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy social media attention. Numerous small business tips easily lend themselves to the social media world and can aid you in edging out competitors. Let’s look at a few social media tips that ensure business growth:

Social Media Advertising

Small business advertising options certainly include social media. Create a workable budget and try advertising your business on popular social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook. Pick one option and start with that, also keep in mind that advertising on Twitter costs about six times as much as advertising on Facebook in regards to Cost Per Thousand (CPM). However, the ClickThrough Rate (CTR) for Twitter ads is apparently eight to 24 times higher than Facebook.

Quality Over Quantity

Continuous posting may seem like a good social media marketing idea, yet going for quality over quantity is much more effective in regards to client interaction. Try to post content that make customers feel privileged and appreciated when buying from you rather than bombarding them with posts on a daily basis. According to marketing blog iMedia Connection, over half of consumers view a brand positively after reading content that “resonates” with them.

Content Targeting

It’s not just teens and 20-somethings who use social media. The fastest-growing age group on Twitter is 55 to 64, while the 45-54 age group is increasingly using Facebook and Google +. Large and small business advertising requires researching demographics and creating content that targets said demographics. Whether looking to reach an older audience, strictly male or female audience, young kids, teens or any other demographic, fine-tune your content as needed and make it appealing.

Tumblr and Pinterest

Additional social media tips for small businesses include utilizing Tumblr and Pinterest. You may think you don’t need either of these, but when you consider people spend four times more time on these sites than Twitter, you might consider making Tumblr and Pinterest pages for your brand!

Google +

If you’ve overlooked Google +, now’s the time to consider it. Averaging 1.2 billion visits per month compared to Facebook’s 809 million, think about differentiating yourself from competitors using this increasingly-popular social media platform.

Check out these and other ideas for getting noticed on social media, where it’s entirely possible to create strong brand presence even if your business is on the smaller side. Good luck!