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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Developers Corner: IVR Challenge

By CallFire Blogger
We here at CallFire pride ourselves on being masters at our craft, as well as nerds who test the limits of our own abilities. How do we do this you might ask? By making challenging puzzles for ourselves using our IVR product. For those not in the know, IVR stands for Interactive Voice Response, and is a system which primarily responds to key-presses to preform pre-designated functions.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

New deadline for CallFire Developer Challenge

By CallFire Blogger
dev Developers, if you're like most people and just getting started on your CallFire dating app that was originally due tomorrow, 11/11, you're in luck!  The deadline has been extended until Monday 11/16 to help people like you!  Same contest, same rules, just new date. Today, CallFire is announcing a new developer challenge.