Using Mobile Tech to Stay Safe
Everyone has, at some point, wondered how safe their environment is. Becoming a victim of crime is a worry for city dwellers and country folk alike, and natural disasters affect everyone in their vicinity.
5 Ways SMBs Should Prepare for an Earthquake
How ER Wait Times Are Being Slashed with SMS Messaging

Increasingly, hospitals are viewing emergency rooms as a dependable way to generate new business. It wasn’t always this way. With high running costs and significant numbers of uninsured patients, trauma centers and ERs used to be considered excellent ways of hemorrhaging cash. They were a necessary inconvenience of running a hospital, the cost offset by the reward of, you know, saving lives.
SMS Texting: A Helpful Disaster Aid Response Tool
When an environmental disaster strikes, it’s always a shock, even if a community is prepared for the worst. The aftermath of these disasters always includes those looking to help, whether via monetarily, food supply or other donations. SMS disaster aid campaigns are increasingly popular as they offer quick and easy ways to learn about the event/situation and provide support.
Text Messaging for Emergency Situations

A Missing Person
In the early morning hours on August 4, 2013, cell phones across California were abuzz with a distress signal after law enforcement issued an Amber Alert for the alleged abduction of a teenager whose mother and brother were found murdered and in a burning house in San Diego.
CallFire CTO: How We Solved Our Data Challenge
At CallFire we are responsible for sending billions of calls and text messages. That’s a billion with a B. In response to Hurricane Sandra alone, we sent 1.9 million emergency broadcast notifications. Needless to say, we host a lot of data. Here are some numbers that illustrate the data challenges that CallFire infrastructure deals with:
Extra Credit: How Educational Institutions Can Get Ahead With CallFire

Using CallFire in Emergency Situations
by Kimberly Kohatsu, Marketing
A series of tornadoes touched down recently in Missouri, Arkansas, and Illinois. Homes and businesses were damaged or destroyed, power went out, trees were downed, and unfortunately, several lives were lost.