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Monday, January 22, 2024
By CallFire Blogger
Marketing is a data driven process. Knowing how consumers are accessing content and are making purchasing decisions integral to any marketing campaign. To keep you up to speed with the June’s need-to-know marketing stats, we’ve compiled the following list of text marketing and mobile marketing data:
  1. 28% of US C-level execs used their mobile phone to do research on business purchases. Comparatively 25% of non C-level execs made business purchasing research on their smart phones. Those numbers were 21% and 12% respectively on tablets. eMarketer
  2. 50% of smartphone users have scanned a QR code, while 18% of those have made purchases after scanning. Mashable
  3. Response rates on SMS text messaging are 8 times greater than that of email. Mobile Marketer
  4. The number one secondary action after reviewing a mobile search is placing a call. xAd
  5. Worldwide SMS traffic will increase from 1.6 trillion messages in 2011 to 7.7 trillion messages in 2016. Fierce Mobile Content
  6. Total time spent on a device versus percent of ad dollars spent on the medium:
    • Print: 7% vs. 25%.
    • Radio: 15% vs 11%.
    • TV: 43% vs 42%.
    • Internet 26% vs 22%.
    • Mobile 10% vs 1%. Kleiner Perkins
  7. Mobile generated internet traffic growth has increased 10 fold in the past three years. In 2009, 1% of internet traffic came via a mobile device. In 2010 it reached 4%, and 2011 it accounts for 10% of traffic. Kleiner Perkins
  8. The top three locations consumers research products on their mobile devices are at home (58%), “on the go” (43%), and in store (31%). eMarketer
  9. 43% of smartphone owners use their mobile phone to research products advertised on television, while 40% report searching in response to in-store ads. eMarketer
  10. SMS text messaging has a 98% open rate and 83% are opened in the first three minutes.
  11. The number of apps per smart phone has increased 28% since 2011, from 32 apps to 41. Nielsen
  12. Internationally, there are 953 million smartphone subscriptions, whereas there are 6.1 mobile phone subscriptions. Kleiner Perkins
  13. Leading smartphone activity for today’s consumer include text messaging (74.3%), photos (60.3%), email (40.8%), and social networking (35.3%). Mashable
  14. Since 2008, there has been a 153% compound growth rate in mobile app and ad revenue, which makes today’s total mobile advertising revenue at $12 billion, of which 29% comes from ads and 71% comes from mobile apps. Kleiner Perkins
  15. More than 50% of Facebook users are uneasy buying products through services through Facebook, versus 8% who feel extremely or very safe. eMarketer
  16. Using mobile phones to report malaria outbreaks in Africa has reduced the average government response time to outbreaks from four weeks to three minutes. Mashable
  17. The size of an average retailers mobile database is typically between 2% and 10% of their email database. Mobile Marketer
  18. Smartphone usership is expected to account for 74% of all US mobile phone users by 2016. Harris Interactive
  19. 31% of US mobile phone owners who did not already receive text marketing messages expressed interest in SMS marketing, 10% of which reported being “extremely interested.” eMarketer
  20. SMS text messaging revenue will increase at a compound annual growth rate of 3% over the next five years and return $722.7 billion in worldwide operator revenues between 2011 and 2016. Fierce Mobile Content