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Thursday, April 16, 2015

​The Impact of Mobile Tech on Global Politics

By ndenholm
The internet and mobile technology are staples of life for many of our world’s citizens, including in countries still “emerging” and “developing.” Cell phones are particularly popular, and the internet has made serious headway as well, though smartphones are still somewhat rare in third-world countries despite growing a population of those who own the devices in countries such as Jordan, Lebanon and Chile.
Monday, August 17, 2015

International Voice Broadcast by CallFire

By CallFire Blogger

CallFire is pleased to announce the launch of its International Voice Broadcast service.  CallFire listened to client requests and developed arguably  the largest new feature since its founding.  Previously, CallFire campaigns only supported valid US and Canadian phone numbers.  Now, CallFire supports nearly anywhere in the world.

Here's how to do it: