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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Wearables Market Predicted to Be Worth $34 Billion by 2020

By jpollack

Established retailers and startups are likely to cash in big in the next few years on a product that’s doing what many thought couldn’t be done. Wearables are gaining strong consumer interest, which means that companies focusing on mobile commerce should see greater success if they begin building products for the wearables market.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Digital Shopping Habits Differ Greatly by Age Group, Says IAB Report

By jpollack

According to a report by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), the age of a mobile shopper is correlated to the size of the device they use to make online purchases. In other words, the IAB Digital Shopping Report identified critical differences in the shopping habits of various age groups, particularly when it comes to smartphones and tablets.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Why Marketers Should Take a 'Mobile First' Approach

By jpollack
Facebook announced its first one billion-user day in August this year and has since averaged even more daily active users. Whether marketers like it or not, statistics like these illustrate a shift in the fastest-growing demographic of consumers. In fact, millennials between the ages of 18 and 34 are set to take over the Baby Boomers (adults age 51 – 69) as the largest demographic in the U.S.
Monday, November 16, 2015

The Most Striking Mobile Trends in 2015

By jpollack

We’re well into the fourth quarter of 2015 and, despite the regular holiday madness, there are still emerging trends on the mobile marketing front. In fact, with so much change occurring at the end of this year, 2016 is already shaping up to be a prolific time for mobile. Here’s a look at the most striking mobile trends of 2015 along with a brief analysis to help determine successful mobile marketing plans for next year:

Monday, June 15, 2015

Kenyan Farmers Are Being Subsidized Via Their Phones

By jpollack

In late May, the government of Kenya took a revolutionary step in streamlining their farming subsidy paradigm by selecting a local mobile phone company to help aid them in their process. The company Safaricom, the largest mobile phone company in the region, has agreed to launch a pilot program that will give the farmers of Kenya access to government funds and materials for farming via their mobile phones. The program has invited over half a million farmers to take part in this new pilot program.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Mobile Marketers Think Programmatic Advertising is the Future, So Why Aren’t They Using It?

By jpollack

When it comes to ad buying, the latest trend is programmatic advertising. Media exchanges rave about it on their blogs, and every corporation seems to be swearing by it in light of consumer culture. As customers begin to show ever more reliance on their smartphones for all of their digital needs, businesses appear to be buying up as much programmatic as possible. According to two independent studies by ChoiceStream and the IAB, the opposite may actually be the case.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Starbucks Leads the Pack for Mobile Payments

By jpollack

In early spring of 2009, Starbucks launched its mobile card app in a humble sixteen stores. The program spread like wildfire. Nowadays many consumers pay for their coffee using a barcode displayed on their mobile phones, scanned at the point of sale. Astoundingly, this technology has lifted Starbucks’ mobile payment revenue beyond that of many other companies – including tech giants like Apple and Google.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mobile Purchases Expected to Increase this Christmas

By ndenholm
Mobile Purchases Expected to Increase this Christmas
Mobile spending is expected to explode this Holiday Season, as more businesses latch on to the benefits of marketing specifically to tablets and smartphones. New data from Hipcricket shows 53% of shoppers plan to spend more money through their mobile device in 2013 than they did last year.