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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

4 Tips for The Next Generation of Event Marketers

By ndenholm
In a world where commerce is increasingly conducted online, events planners have to think outside the booth if they want to continue reaching an audience. Let’s face it, traditional events – where you actually have to go somewhere and talk to people in the flesh – are anathema to many young people. Conferences and Expos potentially contradict the whole concept of inbound marketing.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Facebook Will Lead the Mobile Ad Pack This Year

By jpollack

You’ve seen it when you log onto your Facebook account: ads that seem to speak directly to you and your needs. They might even be from companies whose website you’ve recently visited or they contain content related to a recent online search. Magic? Not exactly, it's Facebook’s ad exchange program, or FBX, and it has reshaped marketing and social advertising.