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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

4 Tips for The Next Generation of Event Marketers

By ndenholm
In a world where commerce is increasingly conducted online, events planners have to think outside the booth if they want to continue reaching an audience. Let’s face it, traditional events – where you actually have to go somewhere and talk to people in the flesh – are anathema to many young people. Conferences and Expos potentially contradict the whole concept of inbound marketing.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

​4 Free Marketing Tactics for Events Organizers

By ndenholm
Negotiating the tight budgets and narrow profit margins of the events industry can be a headache. Sometimes you wish you could spend a little more time and a little less money on your marketing strategy. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to generate free publicity for your next event. Check out our top four easy-to-implement marketing tactics for events organizers:
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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

​How Call Tracking Can Help Maximize ROI on Your Next Event

By ndenholm
Tracking the overall success of your marketing efforts is one of the biggest challenges facing entertainment and events companies today. What makes it all the more frustrating is that, in some areas, accurate reporting and data analysis is easy. Click rates, impressions, downloads and other online activities are easily monitored using Google Analytics.