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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Text Yourself Fit: How SMS Found a Place at the Gym

By ndenholm

Outside of web browsing, text messaging and phone calls, fitness and diet tracking is one of the most popular uses of a smartphone. Gyroscopes, speedometers and other pieces of hardware found on ‘traditional’ fitness gadgets are not only included in any smartphone worth the name, they’ve been vastly improved. Combine these tools with the multitude of fitness apps out there and you’ve got a personal trainer in your pocket.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How to Collect Small Business Debt

By jpollack

Every small business knows the importance—and the hassle—of collecting past due balances. Also known as accounts receivable, small business debts must be resolved to maintain positive cash flow and keep the lights on. To avoid cash flow problems, there are some efficient strategies for any small business to keep the books clean and healthy.