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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

4 Tips for The Next Generation of Event Marketers

By ndenholm
In a world where commerce is increasingly conducted online, events planners have to think outside the booth if they want to continue reaching an audience. Let’s face it, traditional events – where you actually have to go somewhere and talk to people in the flesh – are anathema to many young people. Conferences and Expos potentially contradict the whole concept of inbound marketing.
Thursday, November 13, 2014

5 Ways SMBs Can Streamline the Collections Process

By ndenholm
Half of all new businesses will fail within the first five years. Such nerve-shredding statistics are part of the reason startups and small businesses depend on steady income to remain solvent. One bad debt can mean the difference between a profitable quarter and a net loss. Three in a row and you could be done for.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Slash Waiting Times, Budgets and Security Breaches with SMS for Healthcare

By jpollack

Originally used as a convenient way to communicate with family and friends, secure text messaging is revolutionizing the healthcare industry in numerous ways. Whether looking to cut wait times, trim budgets or prevent security breaches, text messaging is resulting in a more efficient, secure industry. Let’s take a closer look at how text messaging is changing our view of healthcare:

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Top Mobile Technology Trends for 2013

By CallFire Blogger
Mobile has been integral to the marketing strategies of countless brands in 2012. New mobile applications like QR codes and augmented reality have made mobile have changed the way brands are interacting with consumers. While great progress was made in 2012, their will be even more exciting trends in 2013.

Here some interesting ways that mobile will grow in 2013:

1. Mobile Payments
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Extra Credit: How Educational Institutions Can Get Ahead With CallFire

By CallFire Blogger
by Natalia Klishina This past weekend was UCI's homecoming, and the UCI Alumni Association already had a plan to get the message out. Same as last year, they recorded a message providing information on when and where the basketball game would take place, as well as urging alumni to reserve their tickets now by going to the alumni website.