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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

6 Businesses That Should Use Call Tracking

By jpollack

One of the best ways for businesses to allocate money in an advertising budget is to spend the most on ad channels that are bringing in the most customers or potential customers. Call tracking is a great way to determine exactly where a company’s leads are coming from, so that emphasis can be put on reaching these people in a way that’s meaningful for them and profitable for you.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

How Relevant is Customer Service In the Smartphone Age?

By ndenholm

Like it or not, we all have to deal with customer service at some point. A survey conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center found that almost 90% of people required customer service help during the past year, for activities ranging from lodging a complaint to returning unwanted goods. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

10 Ways to Minimize Average Call Handling Times

By jpollack

For most call centers, a key performance indicator is a low average handling time (AHT). Managing the amount of time callers spend in contact with the call center typically includes hold time, total talk time, and any additional work an agent must complete after the call; this number is divided by the number of calls handled by the agent to determine AHT.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

​How Call Tracking Can Help Maximize ROI on Your Next Event

By ndenholm
Tracking the overall success of your marketing efforts is one of the biggest challenges facing entertainment and events companies today. What makes it all the more frustrating is that, in some areas, accurate reporting and data analysis is easy. Click rates, impressions, downloads and other online activities are easily monitored using Google Analytics.
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Trim the Fat from Your Ad Spend with Call Tracking

By ndenholm
Historically, one of the most elusive metrics for marketing departments is determining which ad dollars generate which results. Until relatively recently, the only way to figure out where business was coming from was to ask clients directly, and survey response rates are generally too low to get a true reflection of customer habits. It's like slinging mud at lots of different walls, and never being quite sure what's sticking because the lights are off.