TCPA Case Law is Looking Favorable for Text Marketers
Nobody likes getting unsolicited sales calls from an automated telephone dialing system (ATDS). They’ve interrupted more than a few family dinners and in 1991 the Federal Communications Commission created the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) to help reclaim the home phone lines once and for all.
Google Wallet Introduces SMS Money Transfers
The phrase "don’t throw the baby out with the bath water" is an American idiom derived from a German proverb. It’s used to suggest caution when attempting to eliminate something bad, so something good is not also eliminated in the process.
Mobile Advertising to Outspend Print Next Year
Mobile advertising is projected to overtake print advertising in 2016. It will surpass $100 billion in spending and account for over 50 percent of all digital ad expenditures, according to eMarketer. By the end of next year, the average adult will spend more time using digital devices than watching television, listening to the radio, or reading newspapers and magazines.
Mobile Tech Brings Virtual Tours to the British Museum
Using Mobile Tech to Stay Safe
Everyone has, at some point, wondered how safe their environment is. Becoming a victim of crime is a worry for city dwellers and country folk alike, and natural disasters affect everyone in their vicinity.
'Emotional Ranking' Research Suggests Emotive Language is a Marketing No-Brainer
When it comes to effective marketing, the feelings evoked by an ad or special offer may be more important than the offer itself. That’s because most people make decision using an emotional spectrum to distinguish various products and services—often making purchases despite their better judgment.
Where is CRM Headed in 2016?
CRM technology has come a long way since the rudimentary statistical modeling of the 1980s. The first steps toward what we now think of as CRM software were essentially digital rolodexes, and each subsequent decade saw great strides being made by a burgeoning industry. Now, CRM software is capable of so much, one wonders where it can go next.
Digital Shopping Habits Differ Greatly by Age Group, Says IAB Report
According to a report by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), the age of a mobile shopper is correlated to the size of the device they use to make online purchases. In other words, the IAB Digital Shopping Report identified critical differences in the shopping habits of various age groups, particularly when it comes to smartphones and tablets.
How to Give Your Marketing Strategy a Seasonal Twist
Seasonal marketing twists can begin to feel passé rather than intriguing. However you feel about holiday-themed marketing, the evidence strongly suggests that it works—particularly during this time of year. Don’t miss an opportunity to cash in on holiday shopping with these easy seasonal marketing twists.