10 Ways to Minimize Average Call Handling Times
For most call centers, a key performance indicator is a low average handling time (AHT). Managing the amount of time callers spend in contact with the call center typically includes hold time, total talk time, and any additional work an agent must complete after the call; this number is divided by the number of calls handled by the agent to determine AHT.
Handling Call Spikes with Cloud Call Center
Dealing with large numbers of calls is the contact center’s raison d’etre, but simply having the technology in place isn’t enough. To ensure maximum productivity, you need to make it work for your business.
Real Estate’s Tech Blind-Spot is Easily Remedied
If you’ve been a realtor since the turn of the millennium, then you know that the rules of business have changed in the last decade. With the explosion of mobile marketing in the past five years, you have to make sure your business is keeping up with the latest real estate marketing technology. Most prospects have a smartphone and a tablet these days, so you’ve got to get up to speed with the newest tools of the trade – or risk falling behind.
Nine Marketing Ideas for Independence Day
The 4th of July is a terrific time of year to promote your small business. Everyone gets an extended weekend filled with barbecues and beers; families and friends get together to remember all of the veterans who fought for the freedoms we have today. Here are some outstanding marketing ideas to give your business a “holiday bump” this Independence Day.
B2B Mobile Marketing Priorities 2015
Earlier this month, digital marketing and web technologies authority Regalix released an industry report focusing on mobile impact for business-to-business marketers. The international company headquartered in Paulo Alto, CA surveyed several B2B marketing companies from all over the world selling a variety of products and services.
Mobile Web Trends 2015
Mary Meeker of KPCB venture capitol is a prolific writer and co-author of several industry defining books including the Internet Trends Report 2015. The near 200-page slideshow dissects high-growth Internet companies, digital behaviors, research analysis and more. The result is insightful and incredibly long, so here are five important themes to emerge from Meeker’s greatly anticipated report.
Kenyan Farmers Are Being Subsidized Via Their Phones
In late May, the government of Kenya took a revolutionary step in streamlining their farming subsidy paradigm by selecting a local mobile phone company to help aid them in their process. The company Safaricom, the largest mobile phone company in the region, has agreed to launch a pilot program that will give the farmers of Kenya access to government funds and materials for farming via their mobile phones. The program has invited over half a million farmers to take part in this new pilot program.
Five Voice Broadcasting Myths
These days, many companies are hesitant to operate their call centers with voice broadcasting technology because they believe they are a form of spam marketing or robo-calling. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Voice broadcasting is a terrific way to maximize your resources and, if performed correctly, voice broadcast solutions can be extremely helpful to your customers. Check out our list of five voice broadcasting myths.