Mobile Marketing Can't Be Ignored
By year end, worldwide mobile connections are expected to reach 6.8 billion - nearly the entire population of the planet. So, a good marketer would tell businesses that getting on the mobile bandwagon is non-negotiable.
Opt-in SMS marketing is at the vanguard of the mobile economy as more and more people view smartphones not as a luxury, but as an integral tool in their daily lives for business and pleasure.
Young South Koreans and the Smartphone Craze
You’ve heard of Samsung, right? Maker of such things as the Galaxy model smartphones, and now the world’s first curved smartphone? Well, Samsung Electronics is not only the largest technology company on the planet, it’s based in South Korea.
Paving the Way for Fewer Texting Accidents
Mobile Marketing Ideas for Restaurants
Text messages and the restaurant business are a match made in marketing heaven. From the biggest global fast-food franchise to the local diner, restaurateurs the world over are using the awesome power of smartphones to boost their campaigns. Here are some top tips for leveraging mobile technology for the good of your business:
Helpful Tips to Personalize SMS Marketing
Utilizing SMS text messaging as part of your marketing plan is one of the best ways to reach consumers. Study after study shows that texting is a highly effective way to connect as it has the highest open rate of any other type of communication, such as phone calls, emails, etc.
Mobile Marketing & Showrooming
Consumers may lament that the cost of goods keep going up. While that may be true in some cases, the buying public has it better than ever before with more options to find a single item at the cheapest price possible.
These new windows of opportunity to save a buck have been hitting brick and mortar businesses through a practice known as showrooming - the act of scoping out products in stores before searching online for a better deal.
Restaurant Mobile Marketing Strategies
When developing a marketing strategy for your restaurant, mobile marketing is a fulfilling main course, considering the ease-of-use, cost-efficiency, and overall effectiveness that text marketing offers.